Friday, August 30, 2013


Took Cookie to the dog park. She ignored the two big dogs. She seemed quite excited about chasing the ball. Things were fine and then a cyclist stopped to throw an errant ball. Cookie started barking and chasing the cyclist. I'd heard you're not supposed to use her name for negative things but I forgot at the moment. Next time I'll try "off!"

Wednesday, August 28, 2013


A couple of bicycles passed by today without barks. Maybe the other day going up and down with the bikes in the alley got her used to them. Now we just have to get her used to other dogs while on a leash.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Lately I've been walking with the leash around my waist so I don't need to be hanging on tightly when Cookie pulls. I'm hoping this will get her used to walking next to me.

Thursday, August 22, 2013


Cookie barks when anyone comes to the door.
R had a friend over for a play date and Cookie seemed to bark the whole time.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013


Last night, I was just closing our screen door. Normally Cookie is fine and stays inside. But she sensed some intruders, I think a family of raccoons. She was racing around and barking and would not listen to me. I think they eventually got away and ai hope that deters them. But I'm afraid of Cookie doing that with a skunk or a raccoon with rabies.

Thursday, August 15, 2013


Just as with parenting, how you treat your dog feels like a political act.
So I have been letting her sniff around on a loose leash.
Apparently this is not good. So I am attempting to keep her on a short lease and walk like I mean it.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013


On our last walk, it is now dark at nine. She spotted or sniffed a raccoon and went a little frantic. Then when we came back, I let her off the leash in our backyard, she ran into the bushes and growled at something. Then under the cabana. Then it occurred to me that she could get rabies from a raccoon or sprayed by a skunk, so I got her out of there.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Dog Park

The dog park is full of surprises. This evening r approached a German Shepherd with Cookie on leash. The man said to be careful but it was too late. Cookie barked and the other dog lunged and r screamed. I thought it was going to be over, but no blood as far as I could see.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Dog Whisperer

I saw an episode with this guy who knows dogs.
They used video to show all these subtle things going on when two dogs fight.
It would be interesting to figure out what is going on when Cookie growls at other dogs.